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by Anya Crittenton
May 25th marks two years since Minnesota police office Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd. In that time, the United States has seen protests supporting Black Lives Matter (BLM), calls for more accountability and police budget reallocation, and promises to do better by BIPOC Americans.  In the corporate world, promises abounded.  As William Michael Cunningham, CEO of Creative…
by Green Business Network
Climate climate
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In the new year, the Green Business Network ® launched programming tied to a resolution we want to help all of our business members achieve--moving toward zero waste. The concept of “zero waste” addresses the entire lifecycle of a product, including its initial design, reuse, repurposing, composting, and other strategies that support a circular economy in which resources are valued and…
by Anya Crittenton
It’s a new year and a new chance for each green business to make environmental progress.  The GreenBiz Group released its annual State of Green Business Report for 2022, revealing major innovations happening in the sustainable business world across numerous fields. Given the rapid escalation of climate change across the world, momentum and hope are what we need—and exactly what visionary…
As of November 2021, there were 10.5 million monthly jobs available in the US, yet many employers still say they’re seeing mass labor shortages. This is being further complicated by what many are referring to as The Great Resignation—masses of people leaving their jobs in search of better pay, better treatment at work, their passions. In September 2021, the rate of resignation rose to an all-…
Do you think employers should be able to offer 401(k) plan participants the ability to choose socially responsible investment options? How about investments that consider the impacts of the climate crisis? Should all investors be encouraged to vote on shareholder issues affecting people and the planet? If you answered yes, we need you to take action to restore these basic rights and…
Green America’s Green Business Network® launched a CBD (cannabidiol) certification standard focused on sustainability and social impact and released a new chart so that CBD consumers can compare the industry’s various product certification labels and what they mean. The new Green Business Network® CBD certification standard addresses a wide range of social and environmental issues facing the…
by Anya Crittenton
Amazon—it’s one of the biggest corporations in the world, raking in tens of billions of dollars annually, even while earning the ire of the masses for its treatment of employees, effects on the planet, monopolistic practices, and more.  Another pitfall of the giant conglomerate is how it dwarfs and harms small businesses.  Below are …
If you're looking to repower your home or business with clean energy, you have a myriad of options, from financing solar panels to getting a heat pump. Switching to solar power seems daunting to many individuals and businesses. Yet, affording solar power is 100% possible as there are many options for financing these projects and multiple organizations who can help you with this goal. Many…
Gas-fueled transportation is responsible for the greatest contribution to greenhouse gas emissions in the United States—29%, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Over three decades, from 1999 to 2019, greenhouse gases from the transportation sector experienced an increase not seen in any other sector. This is dangerous, as greenhouse gas emissions warm the atmosphere and…