Membership Benefits
Your tax-deductible donation to Green America 501(c)3 goes to support our corporate responsibility programs and includes the following membership benefits:
- Your Green Life: Powered by Green America ®
- A year-long subscription to the Green American magazine
- The Guide to Social Investing and Better Banking
- Discounts to thousands green products and services sold by our certified Green Business Network™ members.
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Your Green Life:
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The Guide to Social Investing & Better BankingIncludes worksheets, tips, how-to articles, and the most comprehensive directory of socially responsible investment services and resources ever published. |
The Green American MagazineOur quarterly magazine is packed with strategies for making green purchasing, investing, and lifestyle decisions that work for you, your family, and the planet. Each issue will inspire you with articles that delve into the social and environmental issues of our time. Plus, you’ll get discounts to hundreds of green businesses. When you make your membership donation into a recurring monthly or annual donation you can choose to receive the magazine digitally via email, in the mail on 100% recycled paper, or both! |
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Go Paperless! Digital Subscription to our publicationsGreen America now offers "Paperless Membership" when you sign-up for one of our automatic recurring renewal options: Monthly or Annual! Get access to our complete archive of publications: the Green American magazine, our Your Green Life, and our Guide to Social Investing and Better Banking. Our new digital issues make it easy to take our content with you on your favorite eReader, iPad, computer, or smart phone. And for many of our members, the best news is you can choose to receive the both digital and paper (100% recycled ) publications. Every issue is embedded with interactive links and extended editorial. Don't just flip the page...dive in to the issue! |
International Supporters: Why isn't my donation being processed online?
Thanks for your support!
Due to inconsistent international credit card systems, we cannot accept payment online from banks outside the United States at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please call USA +1 202 872 5307 to become a member or make a donation.
Please note: We are unable to mail our publications to members outside of the United States. Please ask about our digital membership.