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BlogNews (
) Summer is underway and Green America’s work is in high gear! Thanks to our members' generous support, every day our programs are advancing the policies and systems needed for safe food, clean energy, responsible finance, and fair labor on which…
environmental policy
environmental policy
BlogNews (
) Weeds can have medicinal and nutritional properties. Learn more in the example of the plantain weed, a common plant found in mowed areas.
plantain weed
plantain weed
BlogNews (
) The United States uses over a billion pounds of pesticides each year, many that contain chemicals banned in other countries. These toxic chemicals have major impacts on both people and the planet. US regulation has fallen behind other major…
RoundUp, Glyphosate, pesticide, EPA, health, chemicals
RoundUp, Glyphosate, pesticide, EPA, health, chemicals
BlogNews (
) To the peril of human and environmental health, banks globally are not only continuing to fund existing fossil fuel industries, but many are even financing the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure into new areas.
climate change, climate crisis, fossil fuels, Break Up With Your Mega-Bank
climate change, climate crisis, fossil fuels, Break Up With Your Mega-Bank
BlogNews (
In June 2019, the Washington Post published a damning expose on cocoa farming child labor, an issue that is still persistent in West Africa. Over 2 million children engage in hazardous child labor in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire, the two largest…
cocoa farming, fair trade chocolate, child labor
cocoa farming, fair trade chocolate, child labor
BlogNews (
) Disempowering people doesn't do any good. We need corporate responsibility AND individual action.
corporate responsibility, Vox, NRDC
corporate responsibility, Vox, NRDC
BlogNews (
) The textile industry uses over 8,000 chemicals, affecting the health of workers, the environment, and even wearers of clothing.
baby clothes
baby clothes
BlogNews (
) Gardeners may come across invasive species, and it’s important to know what to do with them.
invasive species
invasive species
BlogNews (
) Learning about regenerative agriculture happening right under her nose in her parents' garden gave Monique Jones hope for the changing climate.
BlogNews (
) Moss Haven Farm is a nonprofit education center teaching kids about regenerative agriculture.
Climate Victory Garden
Climate Victory Garden
BlogNews (
) Child labor, deforestation, and more - what's hidden in your Easter chocolate and what are some ethical alternatives?
fair trade, fair trade chocolate
fair trade, fair trade chocolate
BlogNews (
) Amazon is selling its services to the oil and gas industry and is failing to reach 100% renewable energy for its massive servers
clean energy, Amazon sustainability
clean energy, Amazon sustainability
BlogNews (
) Plant a garden instead of mowing your lawn. It's good for your health, the climate, and your wallet!
Climate Victory Garden
Climate Victory Garden
BlogNews (
) Olive Garden is taking steps to improve animal treatment in their supply chains.
animal welfare
animal welfare
BlogNews (
) If you own shares of a stock, use your proxy ballots to make your voice heard on issues that matter to you.
proxy ballot, corporate responsibility, shareholder activism
proxy ballot, corporate responsibility, shareholder activism
BlogNews (
A big thank you to everyone who attended our webinar Designing for Abundance: Planning your Climate Victory Garden, with Nicky Schauder of Permaculture Gardens. We had so many great questions come out of that session, and many that we weren’t able…
Climate Victory Garden
Climate Victory Garden
BlogNews (
) Green America teamed up with author and farmer Acadia Tucker to answer questions about Climate Victory Gardening. In this blog, you'll get to know Acadia, what motivates her, and why she's such a great candidate for answering your…
gardening, Climate Victory Garden, carbon farming
gardening, Climate Victory Garden, carbon farming
BlogNews (
) A Master Gardener shares resources for Climate Victory Gardens in all their many stages.
master gardener
master gardener
BlogNews (
) Early spring is a great time of year to test your soil. It’s best to do it when the ground is thawed and digging won’t disturb growing plants.
soil testing
soil testing
BlogNews (
) Black and minority-owned businesses strengthen local economies, create job opportunities and celebrate diverse culture.
Black-owned businesses
Black-owned businesses