Restore 401(k) Investor Choice & Proxy Power

Want a Say in Your 401(k)?

Do you think employers should be able to offer 401(k) plan participants the ability to choose socially responsible investment options? How about investments that consider the impacts of the climate crisis?

Should all investors be encouraged to vote on shareholder issues affecting people and the planet?

If you answered yes, we need you to take action to restore these basic rights and responsibilities for 401(k) plans. Please add your name to our letter by December 9, 2021!

Take Action

Many of the rollbacks of social and environmental protections under the Trump administration that Green Americans have opposed are being restored under the Biden presidency. This includes a public comment period on a new rule that is crucial to re-establishing the ability of 401(k) plans to allow investors to select funds based on their financial, environmental, social, and corporate governance performance.

The rule also supports the right of retirement plan votes to be cast on shareholder proxy ballots, including those addressing human rights, labor rights, climate, corporate political contributions, corporate equity and diversity issues, and more.

Please take action today as a green business leader! Help us build a solid public record of support for protecting millions of retirees’ savings from climate risks and for enabling all investors to vote their proxy ballots to hold corporations accountable.