Supporting Transgender Persons and Rights this Transgender Day of Visibility

Close up of the transgender flag. Transgender Day of Visibility.
Unsplash: Lena Balk

March 31 is the international Transgender Day of Visibility. Green America calls on all of our members, supporters, businesses, and the general public to take this opportunity to celebrate the transgender community and take action to support transgender rights.   

There are many ways to take part. Here’s a few actions everyone can take: 

  • Take action at the federal and state level with the National Center for Transgender Equality.  Legislation targeting transgender persons, and especially transgender youth, is being introduced all over the country.  Legislators need to hear from their constituents that these attacks on transgender rights are not acceptable. 
A bronze bust of transgender activist and icon Marsha P. Johnson in Christopher Park in Manhattan. Transgender Day of Visibility.
A bust of Marsha P. Johnson in Manhattan's Christopher Park. | Photo: Elvert Barnes

As an organization that works with businesses small and large to create greater social justice and environmental sustainability, we call on all workplaces to provide an inclusive space for transgender workers.  

And employers should go further and actively support and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community throughout the year.