Kick off the First Green Tuesday

Kick off the First Green Tuesday

Move over, “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” -- make room for “Green Tuesday!” Green America is proud to begin a new tradition that makes the Tuesday after every Thanksgiving a green shopping day. Get connected to holiday shoppers who want to save and be greener.

To kick off this new annual holiday shopping tradition, Green America’s website will be offering special deals for the week starting on the first “Green Tuesday,” November 29, 2011.

Much like Groupon does for general shoppers, offers discounts and deals from local and national green online businesses that are approved by Green America. features a new deal or discount every 24-48 hours.

Examples of special deals to be offered during the first “Green Tuesday” week include products and services, such as:

A total of 15-20 products and coupons ranging from 30-50 percent off will be featured from November 29 - December 6.  Additional “side deals” for 10-20 percent off also will be featured on web pages. Daily contests and special credits will go up on the Facebook page.

“Green Deals makes it possible to give great gifts for the holidays, while also giving back to the planet.  Many consumers who are turned off by shopping at big-box stores during the holiday season will welcome this opportunity to participate in a way that is in line with their values, and save money at the same time,” says Green America Corporate Responsibility Director, Todd Larsen.

Since its launch one year ago, has acquired over 160,000 green members and has featured over 150 deals from green businesses.  

Thinking about becoming a part of "Green Tuesday?" Consider the research:

Here's how you can get in touch with GreenDeals to participate in Green Tuesday.

In addition to the green products and services offered on, holiday shoppers can find great green purchases at, the nation’s leading directory of green products and services which features thousands of businesses nationwide, and from Green America’s Holiday Green Gift Guide which features great deals on green products.

Happy Thanksgiving and happy green holiday shopping from Green Festival, Green America and!