Green Tuesday: A New Tradition for Green Holiday Shoppers

Green Tuesday: A New Tradition for Green Holiday Shoppers

This holiday shopping season, Green Tuesday connects businesses to holiday shoppers who want to save and be greener. Green America launched Green Tuesday, a new tradition to make the Tuesday after every Thanksgiving a green shopping day.

Green Tuesday marks the start of a holiday season that supports local, green, and fair trade purchases for the holidays.

To kick off this new annual holiday shopping tradition, Green America’s website offered special deals for the week. The first Green Tuesday brought national media coverage and a boost for green businesses.

Much like Groupon does for general shoppers, offers discounts and deals from local and national green online businesses that are approved by Green America. features a new deal or discount every 24-48 hours.

"Mass culture encourages people to run out of their house, now at midnight, and go shopping," says Todd Larsen, Green America Corporate Responsibility Director. "Why not wait another day or more and buy something that helps others Green Deals makes it possible to give great gifts for the holidays, while also giving back to the planet.”

Products and coupons ranging from 30-50 percent off were featured from November 29 - December 6, from businesses including From War to Peace, Back to the Roots, Driwater, Organic Essence Lip Balm, Better World Club, and Indigenous Designs Clothing.

Since its launch one year ago, has acquired over 160,000 green members and has featured over 150 deals from green businesses. Find out how to advertise.