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BlogNews ( ) In 2019, these eco-friendly trends hit the front page of environmental consciousness and green living.
green business, green business trends, EcoPlanetMedia, climate, plastic, clean energy, conscious consumerism, sustainable, organic food, eco-tourism, eco-friendly trends
BlogNews ( ) Amazon is bad for workers, our planet, and consumers. Here are ten ways Amazon violates human rights.
human rights
BlogNews ( ) Worker rights, privacy issues, and toxic chemicals might have you rethinking Amazon electronics like Amazon Ring and Alexa.
Amazon electronics
BlogNews ( ) This Thanksgiving, use food to talk to your family and friends about values like sustainable and ethical food.
non-GMO Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, vegan, vegetarian, fair trade, non-GMO, recipes
BlogNews ( ) Recycling is s basic action people do for the environment, but does it help combat the climate crisis?
BlogNews ( ) You may be wondering how you can make sure your children are not being exposed to harmful chemicals in clothes? Here are some tips!
sustainable children's clothing
BlogNews ( ) What impact does alternative meat have on farmers and the planet?
plant-based burgers, Impossible Burger, Beyond Burger, alternative meat
BlogNews ( ) In 2017, we launched Hang Up on Fossil Fuels, a campaign urging major telecommunications companies to rapidly increase their use of renewables to power networks. Back then, the industry was using almost no clean energy and few companies had any…
clean energy, renewable energy, wind power, solar power, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon
BlogNews ( ) The Green Business Network at Green America is proud to stand with green businesses for Latinx heritage month as an expanding and driving force in the green economy.
business, Latinx, latinx heritage month, green business
BlogNews ( ) This summer, Green America joined a coalitional letter to five regional banks urging them to conduct human rights due diligence in relation to their financing of prisons and immigrant detention centers.
detention centers, SRI, socially responsible investing, prisons
BlogNews ( ) The Ivory Coast and Ghana announced that they will raise the price of cocoa by $400 per ton, but more needs to be done to stop child labor.
child labor
BlogNews ( ) By Ayate Temsamani, Climate Fellow The Impact of Telecoms The US telecom industry uses vast amounts of energy, with the major four companies collectively using over 30 million megawatt hours (MWH) of electric power every year—enough energy to…
climate change, clean energy, green economy, green jobs, wind, solar, education, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile
BlogNews ( ) Originally published on by Bryan Pena | August 30, 2019 Getting certified can help your small business. There are more than 40 million independent workers in the U.S. today, and that means a competitive market for the attention and…
sustainable business, Green Business Network
BlogNews ( ) The Amazon forest fires are tragedy for Brazil, as people are experiencing severe health problems and are at risk of losing their homes.
Amazon forest fires
BlogNews ( ) Walmart neglects to set comprehensive plan to cut dangerous HFC emissions that escalate climate change.
BlogNews ( ) Recycling has been used for years by companies who in an attempt to reduce their negative impact on the environment. Recently, many businesses have been turning to upcycling to achieve this goal in an alternative and more impactful manner.
recycling, sustainable business, upcycling
BlogNews ( ) Amazon is full of deals, but those deals come at a big cost to people and the planet. So, before you click on that item that sounds like a steal, check out Green America's 10 Reasons to not shop Amazon. Amazon…  Exploits…
BlogNews ( ) Summer is underway and Green America’s work is in high gear! Thanks to our members' generous support, every day our programs are advancing the policies and systems needed for safe food, clean energy, responsible finance, and fair labor on which…
environmental policy
BlogNews ( ) Weeds can have medicinal and nutritional properties. Learn more in the example of the plantain weed, a common plant found in mowed areas.
plantain weed
BlogNews ( ) The United States uses over a billion pounds of pesticides each year, many that contain chemicals banned in other countries. These toxic chemicals have major impacts on both people and the planet. US regulation has fallen behind other major…
RoundUp, Glyphosate, pesticide, EPA, health, chemicals