Earth Equity Advisors

Because your investment options should not limit but amplify your impact, Earth Equity provides the broadest access to rigorously screened sustainable, responsible and impact investing opportunities that matter to you. As one of the Southeast’s first SRI-only investment firms, we cultivate and empower a community of all generations to grow personal wealth and make a positive impact for our planet, our society, and our future.
Which type of investor are you?
- Earth Equity Advisors provides investment advisory, financial planning, and wealth management services, leveraging their proprietary asset allocation model and signature Green Sage Sustainability Portfolio. Minimum investment of $250,000.
- Earth Equity Portfolios is a service provided to registered investment advisors (RIAs) through partnerships (e.g., E-Trade, Folio Institutional) that make available the Green Sage Sustainability Portfolio and Earth Equity's diversified mutual fund portfolios for a $50,000 minimum investment + management fee.
Why Earth Equity?
- All advisors earned the CSRIC® - Chartered SRI Counselor designation from the College for Financial Planning.
- Portfolios support 10 of the 17 United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
- Certified B Corporation (B Corp) and five-time Best for the World honoree in the Customers and Changemakers categories.
- Donated over 1% of gross revenues to environmental non-profits through the 1% For the Planet initiative.
- Ranked in Real Leaders 2021 list of the world’s 150 top impact companies that are solving business problems in socially constructive ways.
- Our portfolios have a Morningstar Five Globe Sustainability Rating, meaning that our funds perform higher than the average benchmark when it comes to making a positive impact on current Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) challenges.
CEO is a thought leader in the industry
- Regularly quoted in periodicals such as Bloomberg, Forbes, The New York Times, Wealth Management, US News & World Report, Investors Business Daily, Money Magazine, Investment News, and other periodicals & is a regular guest on a variety of sustainability-related podcasts
- Recognized among the inaugural ThinkAdvisor LUMINARIES Class of 2021
- Recognized by Real Leaders among "70 Environmental Leaders You Should Know” from around the world, alongside eco superstars such as Sir David Attenborough, Jane Goodall, Greta Thunberg, Robert Redford, and Jane Fonda
- Recognized by Investopedia as one of the 100 Most Influential Financial Advisors in America in 2018
35.5959721, -82.5553494