Green Business Network Blog Posts

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by Mary Meade
Green businesses adopt principles, policies, and practices that improve the quality of life for its customers, employees, communities, and planet. But just because a business claims it is “green” doesn’t mean it upholds the standards of social responsibility and sustainability. So how can you determine what is in fact a sustainable business, or how can your business achieve that high standard?…
33 banks have funneled 1.9 trillion into fossil fuels since 2016. Of these banks, Goldman Sachs ranks number 12 in the biggest financiers of fossil fuels, pouring approximately $59.26 billion dollars over the last three years. Yet in December of 2019, the US firm announced its decision to end the financing of new oil drilling and exploration projects in the Arctic, including the Arctic…
By Guest Blogger: Kurt Whitt, Green Business Network Member and Founder/Chief Visionary Architect of EcoPlanetMedia As an earth-friendly creative agency, Eco Planet Media gets a firsthand look at the green trends occurring across business sectors. Concern about the environment continues unabated, but researchers and everyday citizens of the earth are waking up to new ideas and technologies to…
First came vegan milk: almond, soy, and most recently, oat milk, can be found in the dairy aisle right next to their conventional milk counterparts. Now, vegan “meats” are stepping in as the next big substitute and suddenly there is a plant-based burger buffet. Beyond Meats and Impossible Foods are currently the two most famous plant-based meat companies. These two businesses are bringing vegan…
by Mary Meade
Latinx Heritage Month—also recognized as Hispanic Heritage Month—began as a week-long celebration of the heritages and cultures of citizens of Hispanic origin in the United States. Since its creation in 1968 by President Lyndon B. Johnson, the celebration has expanded to encompass 30 days from September 15th to October 15th. Mid-September marks the beginning of Latinx…
by Medha Chidambaram
Green America’s mission is to build the green economy, one grounded in social justice and environmental sustainability. To do so, we promote responsible, sustainable economic actions, from supporting green businesses to helping individuals bank and invest with financial institutions that support people and the planet. This summer, Green America joined a coalitional letter to five regional…
by Green Business Network
Originally published on by Bryan Pena | August 30, 2019 Getting certified can help your small business. There are more than 40 million independent workers in the U.S. today, and that means a competitive market for the attention and eyeballs of your desired clients. Becoming an effective networker, honing your social media presence, and developing a comprehensive marketing strategy…
Recycling has been used for years by companies in an attempt to reduce their negative impact on the environment. Recently, many businesses have been turning to upcycling to achieve this goal in an alternative and more impactful manner. What is recycling? Recycling primarily entails breaking down old items into their raw materials to create new items, such as plastic, glass, paper, etc…
by Mary Meade
Green businesses adopt principles, policies, and practices that improve the quality of life for their customers, employees, communities, and planet. But just because a business claims they are “green” doesn’t mean they uphold the standards of social responsibility and sustainability. So how can you determine what is in fact a sustainable business, or how can your business achieve that high…
The days of single-use plastic is numbered. In 2018, Seattle became the first US city to ban single-use plastic cutlery. Starbucks followed suit with a plan to eliminate plastic straws by 2020, and several airlines joined by phasing out single-use plastic straws and stirrers. The anti-plastic movement became so prolific that “single-use” was named the word of the year by Collins…