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The recent Norfolk Southern train derailment disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, illustrates why socially responsible investing is so important.
Norfolk Southern, owned by a who's who of Wall Street banks, ranks poorly on corporate…
socially responsible investing, ESG, ESG investing, Congress, SRI
socially responsible investing, ESG, ESG investing, Congress, SRI
BlogNews (
) Find celebratory and educational resources focused on the meaning of the holiday and on Black leadership for social, economic, and environmental justice.
Black History Month
Black History Month
BlogNews (
Climate the Top Sustainability Concern; Ending Workplace Discrimination Tops Shareholder Resolutions; Community Development Investments Soar
The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment (US SIF) documents the assets involved in socially…
sustainable investing, SRI, ESG
sustainable investing, SRI, ESG
BlogNews (
From the most recent issue of our magazine, Green American, where we update readers on the progress we've made over the last quarter on climate, finance, food, labor, social justice, and more.
Green America's 2022 Victories (and a…
Green America
Green America
BlogNews (
Since the pandemic, online retail sales have increased significantly. Fast, cheap, and trendy fashion has progressively become more popular too.
One online retailer has caught a lot of consumers' attention: Shein. A simple search…
fast fashion
fast fashion
Is your Halloween chocolate playing a dirty trick on people & planet? – and what you can do about it!
BlogNews (
) Pesticide in Chocolates
Global Living income, child labor, pesticide, chocolate/cocoa, chocolate scorecard, poverty
Global Living income, child labor, pesticide, chocolate/cocoa, chocolate scorecard, poverty
BlogNews (
Farm work is one of the most dangerous jobs in the US, in part due to pesticide exposure, and women’s share of the farming workforce is increasing. According to the USDA, in 2009 women made up 18.6% of farmworkers but in 2018,…
pesticide, agriculture, workers rights, women
pesticide, agriculture, workers rights, women
BlogNews (
Pregnancy comes with precautions such as no heavy lifting, light exercise, getting plenty of rest, and avoiding air travel closer to one’s due date. There is another concern to add to the list: pesticides.
According to the…
Congressional Action is a Significant Start; Declaration of a Climate Emergency Still Needed to Meet the Climate Crisis & Protect Black, Indigenous & Frontline Communities
BlogNews (
Green America welcomed the positive steps within the July 27, 2022 climate deal that is part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
Calling for $369 billion in climate and clean energy investments, the bill would put the U.S. on the…
climate crisis
climate crisis
BlogNews (
) The first step is to know what you own. Have you reviewed the holdings of your mutual funds to see if they include gun manufacturers?
gun manufacturers
gun manufacturers
BlogNews (
Banks Can Make a Real Difference on Climate; Will They?
The annual Banking on Climate Chaos report reveals how big banks are fueling the climate crisis through their financing, based on aggregated statistics from banks globally.…
BlogNews (
From the most recent issue of our magazine, Green American, where we update readers on the progress we've made over the last quarter on climate, finance, food, labor, social justice, and more.
Renewable Energy Must Advance Equity
This spring…
Green America, Green America's campaigns, climate, soil carbon initiative
Green America, Green America's campaigns, climate, soil carbon initiative
BlogNews (
) International leaders are not doing enough on climate. Here’s what we are doing together to move the needle.
climate, climate change, Green America, victories
climate, climate change, Green America, victories
BlogNews (
) Accessible green bonds makes it possible for anyone to invest in clean energy.
green bond
green bond
BlogNews (
) Green America is pleased to partner with As You Sow to help you find out what you own in your retirement plan – and how to be an advocate for better investment options from your employer.
SRI, sustainable investing, retirement planning
SRI, sustainable investing, retirement planning
BlogNews (
Industrial agriculture is a leading source of the climate crisis. Big Ag causes continual topsoil loss (costing the US more than a trillion dollars every year), and pollutes our waterways.
Restoring soil health and its natural ability to…
regenerative agriculture
regenerative agriculture
BlogNews (
) Direct and fair trade chocolate companies have been placing farmers front-and-center of their business models for years.
fair trade chocolate
fair trade chocolate
BlogNews (
) Even after the Paris agreement, banks are financing climate change instead of renewable energy.
financing climate change
financing climate change
BlogNews (
) Small businesses often rely on Amazon - but is the megacorporation doing more harm than good?
support small business
support small business