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Most consumers in the United States are now aware of genetically engineered foods, but far fewer realize that, beginning formally in 1988, biotech scientists have been working on the next frontier: genetically engineered trees. While the biotech industry claims GE trees could be a natural solution to deforestation, it’s far more likely that a shift to GE monoculture forests,…
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The following guest blog post is from Sandra McCardell, President, Current-C Energy Systems, Inc. Albuquerque NM. The Clean Energy Victory Bond campaign is a Green America project advocating for this new solution to climate change. When I was born (in the 1950’s), my grandmother gave me the gift of a United States Savings Bond –what would have been called a “Victory…
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Green America and our allies are ramping up our Good Food Now campaign targeting Olive Garden. Help us make Olive Garden’s phones ring off the hook, and tell the restaurant to pay fair wages and serve Good Food Now!
Here's how you can help:
1. Call Olive Garden Call Olive Garden's customer service line between 10:00am ET and 4:00pm PT (7:00am PT - 1:00pm PT), Monday…
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Guest post by Cheryl Hahn, Owner, CozyPure(R), certified member of Green America’s Green Business Network
In 1931, the world’s first latex mattress was introduced as an alternative to horsehair, kapok and cotton batting. The features were appealing. It didn’t have to be flipped, it stayed fresh, it stayed responsive, supportive, and it…
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Guest post from Alexandra Beane, Wheels For Wishes
The United States is the world’s largest consumer of bottled water. In 2011, the United States set a record for purchasing 9.1 billion gallons of bottled water nationwide, which is equal to 29.2 gallons per person. Unfortunately, only 27 percent of plastic water bottles are recycled in the United States, and they are 100…
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Green America technology director Hans Bauman (left) with two of his three children.
by Hans Bauman
Don’t get me wrong: I used to love a juicy steak as much as the next guy. But when my wife and I realized the impact our diets were having on the environment, we decided to stay away from Costco meat counter with its bulk-size offerings of cheap beef and commit to…
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Low-income communities in America are disproportionately affected by climate change, yet seldom have the resources to help finance solutions such as solar power.
Often located near power plants, low income communities in the US and worldwide have higher rates of asthma and other debilitating health problems associated with air pollution.
Cities, home to the urban poor,…
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Campbell’s Soup is one of America’s most iconic brands. The company famous for soups also produces thousands of other food items. Famous brands under the Campbell’s umbrella include Pepperidge Farm, Bolthouse Farms, and Prego.
Like most major food companies, Campbell’s had not kept up with the changing tide of consumer preferences for healthy and sustainable foods. …
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) By Kegan Gerard
Emails: Tiny Climate Bombs
Email may have done a great job improving productivity and reducing the amount of paper we waste, but those little messages can pack a carbon punch. An average email accounts for 4 grams CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent)—the result of the many servers, computers, and routers that enable you to hit send. For…
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