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BlogNews ( ) We hear about lead in toys coming from China, but we hear less about PVC plastics, phthalates, and BPA, found in toxic toys made in the US.
toxic toys
BlogNews ( ) Thousands of Negative Posts Result in General Mills Removing App Encouraging People to Share What Cheerios Means to Them. December 6, 2012//Washington DC// The GMO Inside campaign announced today that thousands of concerned consumers have flooded…

BlogNews ( ) It’s that magical time of the year again! Here are five tips to green your holidays and do some sustainable shopping.
sustainable shopping
BlogNews ( ) Gain key insights for green marketing in this webinar from expert Jacquie Ottman, who shares strategies for green businesses from her award-winning book, The New Rules of Green Marketing. Jacquie Ottman, a New York city-based expert on…

BlogNews ( ) A guide to standards and certifications available to green businesses and products.
green businesses, green business, green business certification, small business certification, GBN certification, certification standard
BlogNews ( ) Opportunities to earn funding, through awards or grants, for your small business.
financing, small business, grants, awards
BlogNews ( ) We set out to build an apparel supply chain that built a product, from dirt-to-shirt, right here in North Carolina - that's TS Designs.
ts designs, Green Business Network, apparel, green apparel, T-Shirts, T-Shirt Printing
BlogNews ( ) The living wage debate has been ongoing for many years and is impacted by the rising income inequality in most countries. This summary highlights some of the complexities in providing a living wage in developing countries.
supply chain, living wage, fair wages, wage increase
BlogNews ( ) The Old Fashioned Milk Paint Co., Inc. has earned USDA Biobased Certification for its Old Fashioned Milk Paint, the first paint to receive this certification.
Old Fashioned Milk Paint Co, paint, non-toxic paint, milk paint, USDA, usda biobased certification, certification standard
BlogNews ( ) NBC Chicago honored the green business leadership of Consolidated Printing, Distant Village Packaging,, and Uncommon Ground.
Chicago, Green Business Network
BlogNews ( ) Patagonia, the major active clothing company and a leader in corporate responsibility, has launched an innovative new website to promote supply chain transparency in an easy visual format.
Patagonia, supply chain
BlogNews ( ) It's shareholder action season, a time when shareholders are invited to provide direction for the companies through the proxy-voting process. Check out these resources to help you cast your votes. It's shareholder action season, a time…

BlogNews ( ) A new documentary film investigates how Nestlé turned ordinary water into a billion-dollar business.
Nestle, water, water bottles, business
BlogNews ( ) A year ago, Steve Howard, founder and CEO of The Climate Group, became the chief sustainability officer (CSO) at Ikea, the $32 billion Swedish home-furnishings giant.
ikea, chief sustainability officer, sustainability, steve howard, the climate group
BlogNews ( ) TS Designs has released one of the most sustainable t-shirts available, made from 100% North-Carolina-grown certified organic cotton.
ts designs, organic cotton, organic clothing, T-Shirts, organic t-shirts, clothing, apparel, green apparel
BlogNews ( ) Ever ask yourself, what is fair trade? Well now, the terrain is changing. On September 15, Fair Trade USA (FTUSA), the United States’ labeling body for fair trade certified products announced that it would be leaving Fairtrade International (…
what is fair trade, fair trade certification
BlogNews ( ) This holiday shopping season, Green Tuesday connects businesses to holiday shoppers who want to save and be greener.
Green Tuesday, shopping, sustainable shopping, holidays, green holidays
BlogNews ( ) The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics announced today that 321 cosmetics companies have shown leadership in avoiding toxins and fully disclosing product ingredients, including many of our members.
safe cosmetics, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, health and safety, cosmetics, toxins, Green Business Network
BlogNews ( ) Those of you who've read through our "Take the Plastic Challenge" Green American have undoubtedly seen several references to the documentary film Bag It inside. In fact, it was this film that coined the term "stupid plastic," which we've…
climate change, plastics, sustainability
BlogNews ( ) Move over, “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” -- make room for “Green Tuesday!” Green America is proud to begin a new tradition that makes the Tuesday after every Thanksgiving green shopping day.
Green Tuesday, shopping, sustainable shopping, green shopping tips, holidays, holiday shopping